October 30, 2015


There is a new fleet of parts delivery trucks coming and going from our facilities. These trucks are part of a new customer service initiative. To make this a reality, Dan Young, Vice President of Parts bought new trucks (re-purposed others) and hired new employees at to head out on the road.

We seek to grow business through enhanced service offerings. To do this, we listen to customers and reflect their needs. We knew delivery was necessary. For many of our customers, we are not convenient. Though loyal to Cat, these customers buy parts elsewhere for the sake of convenience and, over the years, we slowly lose their business.

According to Dan Young, if someone needs something as small and inexpensive as an O-ring, our drivers will still deliver it for free. This is because small customer courtesies generate loyalty. This means that, while the customer is only buying an O-ring this time, next time they may be inclined to purchase more.

Vice President Young made a point that trucks are “completely flexible to deliver parts when customers need them, not when it is convenient to us.” He believes that, while this service is a big leap of faith for us, it is also a great investment in our customers and he looks forward to seeing the program grow.


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